Hi, my name is

Abdilaziz Ibrahim

and I work as a Software Engineer.

I build quality software and learn a diverse set of technologies.

If you are interested in some of the work I have done, you can checkout my ​portfolio.

About Me

I am a Software Engineer currently in the Toronto Area. I love working on a variety of tech/software related things, but I mostly work on the Full Stack of Web Applications.

I have a Bachelors Degree in Electrical Enineering and Management from McMaster University, and am currently a part of the Engineering team at ComQi working on Digital Signage Solutions.

Here are some technologies I have used recently:

  • JavaScript
  • Angular and React
  • Node.js and Express.js
  • Java and Spring
  • Mongoose and MongoDB
  • MySQL
  • GraphQL
  • AbdilazizAbdilaziz


    Here's a list of places I've worked:

    Junior Software Engineer @ ComQi Inc.

    June 2017 - Present
    • Worked with a team of 4 to build a clean, easy-to-use UI for a Digital Signage CMS in Angular (TypeScript)
    • Supported new UI features with development of RestAPI in Java using the Spring Framework and MySQL
    • Took Professional Services projects from scoping requirements to launch of the product
    • Provided Python Scripts for a wide variety of tasks from generating reports, to hardware configuration


    Take a look at some projects I've worked on:

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    Get in touch

    If you would like to speak about new opportunities my inbox is always open.